Burraq |Best WordPress Training institute in Lahore

WordPress has now become almost a standard platform for websites. It is free, easy to install, use and update, highly customizable, and has literally thousands of plugins (called add-ons) and themes. However, to take full advantage of WordPress' capabilities, you need to go through a certain learning curve. Here are a few things to consider when looking for WordPress training.

Marketing experience will focus on things

If you are a marketer, one of the first things you need to check is whether the person delivering the course has any knowledge or experience in marketing. Why is this important? Burraq IT solution provides WordPress training courses in Lahore. You can learn IT courses without any dues. Many highly skilled people who use and teach WordPress but have no marketing experience will focus on things that can make your site look good but reduce its ability to be used as a marketing tool, or even negate those efforts altogether.

Websites the person has built with WordPress

Also, find out how many websites the person has built with WordPress. Theoretical knowledge about WordPress is good, but you really learn when you get down to the nitty-gritty and run into problems. If you've only built one or two sites, you haven't had such an opportunity and can't keep your students away from potential pitfalls.

Create WordPress sites using a simple

Speaking of multiple sites, also pay attention to whether all the sites created by the person teaching the course look the same or different. Many people who create WordPress sites use a simple, repetitive template and all the sites they create have exactly the same look and feel. This can be good, but often this look and feel don’t meet your specific needs, the needs of your business, your readers, your customers, or your clients. Someone who has built a lot of websites can better guide you in creating a website that will work for you, rather than a website that looks like the template of every website they have ever created.

The course is good

Finally, look for some social proof. Are there satisfied students on the course sales page? Do they have information about what they received? If the course is good, usually at least one or two students will give feedback about the instructor. If there are no reviews, either the instructor doesn't understand the power of reviews (and hence marketing) or they have never received any reviews to use, which is doubtful.
